Oats In a Jar!

Good morning bloggies!  It is snowing, but I refuse to talk about it.  If I don’t talk about it, then it isn’t happening…right?

Anywho.  Woke up with the roosters this morning (who were NOT in the snow.  😉 ) and headed to The Wellness Center to teach spin.  My class is slowly building there, which makes me extremely happy!  I snacked on half of this bad boy before class:

My knee was/is still giving me some trouble…but a quick dip in the hot tub after class seemed to help.  I literally just held my knee at the jet for around 15 minutes.  People probably thought it was slightly odd that I was straddling the walls of the hot tub to find the right knee spot.  What we do for fitness.  *sigh*

Rushed home to an empty jar of Almond Butter!

And had one man on my mind….

Today’s combo included….

  1. 1/2 Cup Oats
  2. 1 Cup Skim Milk
  3. 1 TBSP Natural Peach Jam
  4. 2 TBSP Flax Seed
  5. All the Almond Butter you can scrape from the sides  😉

2.5 seconds later…

Do I know how to clean out a jar, or what?!?!?!  I think that deserves some sort of award…or honorable mention at the very least.

After breakfast, I won’t lie…I totally passed out into an hour coma.  Spin class that early plus having another class at 12:15 and working tonight makes for an exhausting Wednesday.  I thought a nap was in order.  Got caught up on my other obsessions, “Intervention” and “Hoarders“.  Anyone else watching these shows?!?!  They fascinate me.

Pretty soon I was feeling snackish and grabbed my new cereal and trail mix for a yummy combo…

Combined these two, and snacked while I got caught up on burning some Class CD’s which I needed to do ohhhh so badly.


Off to finish answering some emails, and then to the YMCA to teach Express Spin!  Can’t wait!

Have a good one bloggies!!!

Blogger Boy Question O’ The Day:

Whats your favorite type of Group Exercise class to take/teach, why?  How often do you teach/take classes?


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21 responses to “Oats In a Jar!

  1. why don’t you live closer? we could bake, watch hoarders and work out. it would be lovely 😀
    my favorite is zumba but spin is a close second. i miss teaching it, but legs couldn’t handle it on top of weights, running, yoga and zumba :/
    enjoy the rest of your day!

  2. Lu

    My favorite class to take is a Bikram Yoga class. I used to take them 4 times a week. No one wants me teaching any classes. Trust me.

  3. Jen

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my conditioning class that is held in my hot yoga studio. My yoga instructor also teaches an INTENSE class in the hot room. It’s only on Saturdays. 😦 Wish it was more often. I feel like I want to puke and collapse about 1/2 through. It’s like that new video that’s out – Insanity. Have you seen those infomercials for Insanity? I love them! They are totally motivating! Have an awesome day! I LOVE LOVE your blog too! You’re awesome!

    • I have heard so much about hot Yoga, and would ❤ to try it. I have seen Insanity, looks like it lives up to it's name. They gym I teach at on Wednesdays and Thursdays is doing a 90 day class where they complete the whole program! It's so awesome! Thank you so much for reading!!!!!! xoxox

  4. And I thought I could get a jar clean! Damn boy, that’s talent.
    My favorite class to take is spin, I love it! I go at least 3 times a week 🙂

  5. Sammi

    I love my kickboxing/trx class! It is intense! I take 3-4 classes a week.

    Sweatshop bootcamp (changes every week), XFIT bootcamp (outside), kickboxing and weights, and then kickboxing/trx.

    I am class fanatic. I prefer working out in a huge group then by myself! Wish I could take one your classes but you’re a bit far away!

  6. The pic of Mr. Oatmeal man….what’s his name? Mr. Quacker?!?! It totally CRACKED me up!!!! 🙂

  7. Meghan K.

    Okay, so I tried the Luna Chocolate Peppemint Stick bar because of your love of it and “WOW!” I LOVED it – like Christmas 🙂

    Hope the knee gets to feeling better!

  8. I teach spin 2-3 times a week and PowerSculpt 2-3 times a week (I alternate weeks sometimes). I love taking hard spin classes from someone else and I love taking pump classes to get new ideas! I also LOVE cardio kickboxing but can never go since it conflicts with my classes. 😦 And I miss all yoga (I haven’t been for SO long) and I especially miss Bikram (I’m too poor to keep paying!). In case Lu doesn’t answer you back, Bikram yoga is a 90 minute yoga class in a HOT room and you do the same 26 poses each classes. Your flexibility will be insane after one week!

    • That sounds like a booty kicker fo’ sho. I loooooove PowerSculpt/Body-Pump. We don’t own the “rights” to teach it at the YMCA, but I teach an almost identical version called “Total Body HIIT”….it is my baby and I LOVE IT. We work each muscle group as well as add in cardio interval blasts in between. I can literally wring my shirt with sweat when we are done. I agree, *taking* classes is almost always more challenging, and I LOVE getting ideas from other instructors.

  9. I just discovered your blog and I love it!

    My favorite group activity is yoga as everyone else has mentioned. I did the bikram yoga for 3 years and now I’m doing basic yoga at a local studio.

  10. My favorite is slowly and surely becoming yoga! Love it!

  11. OMG, I could watch intervention all day long! I love running with my whole heart. But, my hip is bothering me this week, so I’ll be trying my first spin class this weekend! Scary, but exciting!

    • omg do not even stress!!! You will adore it! Also a little warning…you may be a little ”saddle sore” after the first class but I prooooomise it is only temporary….you will be golden! I want a full and detailed report please. 😀

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