Tag Archives: almond milk

Embrace Your Inner Hippie.

I’m pretty much that was the theme of the day yesterday, which I love….love….LOVED!

We started our Asheville adventure bright and early and headed out, Mountain bound!

Ok, Ok.  Technically Asheville is only like an hour away…but you know I couldn’t resist some snacks for the road!

I was diggin’ on the Hermit’s!  Bought them because I knew Emily had enjoyed them, and said they reminded her of Christmas!  I am all about some Christmas tastes!  She was right!  Yum!

Maggie and I also split my FAVORITE bar pre-downtown festivities!

We were ready to shop!

There was one slight problem.  It was FAH-reezing.  Granted, it was sunny and glorious, but the wind made it feel like winter time!  Brrrr!  FAIL!

Despite the frigid weather, Asheville was beautiful!

We went from shop to shop trying to avoid the cold wind!  There were tons of unique little gift shops, and I must say….it was hard not to adapt the “hippy” frame of mind!  I was digging it!

Speaking of digging.  After walking around in the arctic tundra for a while, we finally found Greenlife Grocery!

(check us out in the reflection!)  This place was so much fun!

Very Earthfare-esque.  ❤

BOOTY!!!!  Too bad I have 3 un-opened bags.  😉

Also, check out this yumminess:

I just wanted to open my mouth underneath, and let the choco-peanut goodness start a’ flowin’.

I also grabbed one of my favorrrrrrite items, of which Ashlei introduced me to a couple of months back…

Coconut Butter anyone?!?!

After leaving the grocery store, we also spotted some killer graffiti.

Cause this is thriiiiiilllllllaaaaahhhh, thriiilllaaaaahhhh niiiight!

After shopping, braving the cold winds, and walking…it was time to eat!  This place was full of fun restaurants, but we decided to go with an ALL veggie option, which I knew was going to be an instant win.

Check out their website for more information!  This place used to be located under a YMCA…which warmed my heart that much more!

It was so overwhelming having an entire MENU to choose from rather than 2 or 3 options.  So nice!  I was literally torn on what to get!  The menu was so expansive and impressive.

My eyes kept floating back to one particular dish…

The waitress also told me since it was my first visit, I had to try their special jalapeno/onion french fries.  Sounded like a plan to me!

This was so good, I’m not even sure if words will suffice.  The root vegetables were cooked perfectly, and blended so well with the sauce.  Speaking of SAUCE….the light and almost buttery sauce covered the entire dish, and the wheat ciabatta underneath soaked it up like a flavor sponge.

Then there were the spicy fries:


Spicy/Crispy peppers and onions = Tyler found his happy place.

Seriously, I am moving here.

Hippies….Vegetarian Eats….URBAN OUTFITTERS.

Dear Asheville, where have you been all my life?!?!?!

Sadly, it was time to head home, but not before hitting up their local Earth Feezy!

Where I picked up a nice Vegan Chocolate Chip cookie, for the road!

Check out the scenery!  Maggie and I were trying to determine what this chapel like structure was!  Still couldn’t figure it out.

Who knows.

By the time we got back home, I needed some caffeine replenishment.

I swear, there was coffee in there at some point.

Dinner time rolled around and we were both craving Indian food!  Sahib time!

We split the Aloo Gabi (Cauliflower), and the Baingan Bartha (Eggplant)


Then, as if we hadn’t had enough excitement…we met up with our friend Melissa, and went to see the new Steve Carrel movie, Date Night.


(now let us fast forward 8 hours, after Tyler finally gets to sleep.  Don’t you just love the magic of Blog-O-Vision?!)

Breakfast was a delicious and random mixture:

Best part was the strawberries the size of my FACE!

I started my bowl with some PB Puffins and Granola from the Feezy…

I then covered the dry mixture with rasp/strawberries and then covered in Almond Milk

Yummmmm. Cold cereal on hot days = love.  Poor Mr. Quaker is probably angry that I have been forgetting him as of late.

2 seconds later…

And *that* my friend….ends a pretty ADD/crazy post.  Hope you enjoyed.

It is sunny….Saturday, and gorgeous.  If you aren’t stuck inside working like I am, get out and enjoyyyyy it!


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To blow….or not to blow.

…..that, is the question.

I have done two spin classes today, and had fan issues.  More at the end -o- the post, and I am looking for blogger input!

Breakfast today was non-oatmeal related!!!!  I know, I know…it is scary.  Don’t worry though, I did manage up to whip up some deliciousness.

I picked up some new English Muffins that I wanted to try, and decided I was in the mood for some eggs!

I love how dogs want everything, including raw eggs.

Scrambled the egg up in a pan with some Natural Cheese Blend.  You haven’t lived until you have had cheese eggs, c’mon people.

Got some fruit goin’…

To top the muffins, I used my homemade Organic Pumpkin Butter that my friend Matt made, and some Polaner!

And, yes…I am that guy who puts ketchup on his eggs!

Deeeeeeeeeeeee-friggin-licious.  Seriously, amazing breakfast!  I was proud.  Mr. Quaker, I love you….and I will see you tomorrow.  Why do I feel like I have cheated on my spouse, by NOT having oatmeal today?!?!  I feel like he is staring at me from across the room, with a hidden yet detectable evil glare.

He knows I ate eggs, and he is angry.  Look at that grin.  *shutters*

Moving on!

A snack was my favorite Z-Bar before my second Spin class of the day:

To which I came back (covered in sweat!) and whipped up a nice, fresh, fruity lunch.  Again, I am the carb/fruit/sugar KING, and will scream it from the mountains if I must!

It was cereal/fruit bowl time!  Started out with a Chia Pudding base.  I mixed 1 TBSP of Almond Butter with 1 Cup Almond Milk, and whisked it together..

I let this little concoction get nice and thick (the Chia seeds absorb SO much water) while I chopped up a mango, and some strawberries:

Added half a cup each of my two new cereals for the week:

To the thickened “pudding” I added the cereal, and the fruit:

Both of these get two huge thumbs up.  I have never had an Annie’s product  that I haven’t loved and/or scarfed down instantly.  The brown rice tasted like rice krispies, and even had the bowl of goodness singing to me!  😉  Added a DASH of cinnamon.  (yea right.)

Yummy in my yummy.  Fo realz.

Moving on to the title of this post…

In my 5:45am spin class we have these gigantic, AIRPLANE powered jumbo fans that freeze me, as well as practically blow me off my seat.  They are also so audibly loud, that I have to max out the music just so people in the back of the class can hear it.  I have a couple of people who turn the fan on before we even warm up or mount our bikes!  Needless to say, I do not even sweat in class, and freeze the entire time.

Fast forward to my class today at the YMCA.  We have a rule.  If you get hot/sweaty/uncomfortable…get up, and turn the fan on.  If it gets extreme…prop open the door with a weight.  This system works so much better because  I feel like I sweat more, and when I sweat more…I work harder!  There is no better feeling than sweat dripping down my nose, to really get my class going for the day.  Also, even if we do have the fans on, they are smaller…and therefore not hurricane blasting winds like at my other gym.

So what I am asking you guys is this:

Regarding fans (spin class, other classes, workouts in general)…….to blow or not to blow?!?!  What are your opinions on this?


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Mondays are insane!!!!  My Monday actually began last night, when I got some advice from Jill about what to do with my new Chia Seeds:

As I see the chia pudding post above, you HAVE to do it and put it in your oats; 1/4 cup almond milk and 1 tbsp chia seeds. wisk and let set on counter for 20 min, then pop in the fridge overnight. Add to your oats in the morning and they will be super creamy, and full of Omega 3’s!!

Soaked those babies in the Almond Milk, and stuck them in the fridge to work their magic overnight!

Did I mention that I pink fuzzy heart Almond Milk?!?!

Please overlook the outfit.  I was dressed for bed, ok?!?!?!?!

So while I slept, the chia worked it’s magic powers.  Woke up this morning early and headed to my first of four (yikes) classes of the day!  Yoga was first, and the kids were adorable, as always.  We are really getting into some complicated/tough poses for an adult, let alone elementary kids…they are doing great!

Came home to find that the chia/milk mixture had thickened beautifully!

I added this mixture to my friend, Mr. Quaker:

Coincidentally, these were not your everyday oats.  I had an almost empty jar of Almond Butter, which meant only one thing!  Oats In A Jar!

It was the normal oat process.  With added dried berries for yum factor.

Made the oats, and then I added them to the AB jar…plus the Chia mixture.

YUM-tastic.  Just when I thought oats couldn’t get any better!  The Chia seeds gave the oatmeal such a creamy consistency, it was fabulous!  Bravo, Jill.  You know your stuff sister.

Did I mention that my house is slowly becoming overpopulated with pups?!?!  My brother is in town, which means his Boxer, Abby, is staying with us!  Check this big girl out:

She is adorable.

She fits right in with the rest of the crew.

Poor Sam just keeps to himself, and tries not to get trampled by the dinosaurs

After I finished breakfast, and tended to the pack of wild beasts…it was off to the YMCA for Express Sculpt.  I try to incoroporate a full body workout in 30 minutes using basic equipment.  Here was todays agenda:

  • Heavy Bar Squats
  • Heavy Bar Chest Press
  • Leg Lifts (with tons of holds and circles)
  • Bicep Curls with Medium Bar
  • Walking Lunges with Medium Bar
  • Overhead Press/Sqaut Combo with Medium Bar
  • NO Weight/Equipment Arm circles (shoulders…killllls after 100 or so)
  • Abs/Cooldown

’twas nice.

After class I came home and threw together a Mexican inspired lunch!  Started out with a whole wheat mini pita pocket, sliced her open…

Then added some beans/salsa/cheese:

Baked those babies until they were crisp.  In the meantime, I steamed some broccoli/cauliflower to have on the side.  Once everything was browned and steamed, I plated up the open face Mexican pizza, and then veggies smothered in Salsa and Nutritional Yeast:

Finished off with an Attune and a big green pear!

Well, it is time to go do some High School Yoga, and then rush over to the YMCA for Monday night Spin.  Made a new CD, I will give ya the tracks tomorrow.  Some good jams going down! 😉

Oh yea, who wants free yogurt?!?!?!

Thanks so much for voting, and a big thanks to Stonyfield/OIKOS for making this giveaway possible.

Remember, the winner receives:

A free OIKOS tote bag, complete with 4 coupons for free 5.3oz containers of Yogurt, plus a coupon for a free 16oz container!

The winner!  (via random number generator)


Please check out Julie’s blog.  She has me laughing hysterically on a daily basis.   Congrats girl!

Well, off for Yoga and Spin…fun times!  Hmmmm, whats for dinner…


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Avocado Pudding?! WHAT?!?!

I was just as confused as you guys are.  Keep reading to see the surprising results.

Well, I am walking somewhat better and not quite as old-man’ish…yet still with a limp enough to be questioned by ever member at the gym.  I chowed down on what is quickly becoming my favorite Clif after Yoga, and before Spin…

So good!  I hobbled my way to the YMCA to teach Spin.  I was surprised how “o.k.” the bike felt on my knee.  It really started bothering me towards the end, but on the whole…felt like an awesome class as usual!  We steamed up all the windows and wet the floor…so it was mission accomplished! 🙂

I went to Kroger after Spin class to get some dinner ideas.  I am completely OUT of groceries and have to go to Earth Fizz first thing tomorrow morning.

My old friend, organic Polenta!!!  If you are a fan of corn, or specifically corn bread…you have to give this healthier alternative a try.  Get the pre-cooked kind, and all you have to do is slice and brown it in a pan.  Also got some lovely veggie skewers, and some veggie baked beans.  This made for a completely random but very yummy dinner.

Once the Polenta had been browned on each side, and the veggies were golden…I plated and topped the corn cakes with beans!

Next was a dessert I have seen on the blogs, and have wanted to try forever.  Avocado Chocolate Pudding!

In my blender, I combined:

  • 1 Medium Diced Avocado
  • 1/2 Cup Almond Milk
  • 3 TBSP Cocoa Powder
  • 2 Truvia Packets

I skeptically blended it up, and expected the worst.

Oh.  My.  Goodness.   Holy guacamole, this stuff is fannnnntasmic.

I swear guys….you HAVE to try this.  Have to, have to, have to.

I would type longer, but I have this gloriousness waiting for me in the fridge.

Heres some random Avocado health benefits I found while searching for the recipe.  Quite frankly though, I will take any excuse to make chocolate pudding.


Happy Monday bloggies!  Earth Fare early tomorrow morning, can’t wait!


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The Most Expensive Piece of Paper I Own.

The snow didn’t keep the mailman away today!  SO weird to have the diploma.  It’s finally like “ok….you’re done with school now.  Hello real world.”  Funny thing is, I still don’t know if I want to teach!!!!  Ugh.  Decisions.  I just love my job as an instructor at my gyms, and I feel like I can eventually do it full time in some scope.  I guess I just need to think about it some more.

Well, it was snowy…which meant that hot chocolate was required.  Not just your average cocoa.  This is almond milk hot cocoa with a sprinkling of vanilla protein!

Instant cold day remedy.  Although I must admit, my day of complete and udder freedom has been wonderful.  I have got to update the blog, take care of some work related things, and best of all…play around in the kitchen!  Thats where a fun pizza dinner came into play!

2 pocket breads split, make the perfect mini pizza crusts!

I am sold hook line and sinker on this bread.  100 each, and SO good.  They are so biscuit like.  I knew I wanted to do two different kinds of pizza.  One with the basic pepperoni (meatless in my case) and cheese/marinara…the other I wanted sausage (veggie) and mushroom!  Got started with the mushroom and fauxsauge (faux-sausage)

Browned it up in a pan with some sliced shrooms…

and through the magic of blog-o-vision…here they are finished:

Here are the pizzas with the organic sauce and spinach!

Topped two of them with the fauxsauge mixture, and the other two with the fepperoni (faux pepperoni 😉 )

Add some cheese and red pepper…

Broil those little angels to achieve maximum melty goodness…

This was seriously one of those meals that is like….top 10 material.  So…very…good.   I had to keep convincing myself that it was not only organic, but healthy!!!  Heart meals like that.

Now…if you’ll excuse me.  I am going to hang out with my new

best friend.

Night bloggies!!!  Enjoy the snow, I sure have!


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