Tag Archives: broccoli


Hello, bloggies!!!  SO much has happened in the last few days I feel like we need a “previously on…Healthy and Fun” montage.

SO, where did we leave off.

For the first time in my LIFE I am officially on my own. Just recently moved into a house that I will be renting until September.  Fully furnished/ready to go.  It is AMAZING.  I am here…all alone.  I could walk around the entire house in nothing but my birthday suit, and no one would be the wiser (aside from some very confused dogs.)  Pictures of the new pad coming, I promise!

Also, in more exciting news….yesterday was both the Eight To The Eight’s interview process as well as Kathy Griffin live in Knoxville!!!  (insert girl squeal here, please.)

It was so odd being a “judge” for a competition like this.  I used to watch American Idol and think “those judges have it so easy!!!  Why do they need to take breaks?!?!”  Let me tell you.  After asking the same questions 400 times in a row, and sitting in one very uncomfortable seat….it gets exhausting!  Added to the fact that we had about 35+ 10 minute interviews (both couples and individual applicants) with literally about 15 seconds between.  Sheeeeeeew.

That being said….it was totally humbling, and one of the most rewarding/emotional times of my life!  Seeing all these people really putting themselves out there and admitting they need help becoming healthy really just puts things in perspective for me.  We had AMAZING applicants, and I have no idea how we are going to narrow it down to 8 teams.  No idea.  We are meeting for dinner tomorrow to go over applicants one more time (this time with included pictures!) and hopefully we can all come to a decision.

After interview time….one gal was on my mind:

Kathy Griffin LIVE anyone?!?!?!?!

Also, unknown to us….it was being taped for her new stand up special “Kathy Does The Bible Belt” on Bravo June the 8th!!!!  Score!  Make sure to watch/DVR and look for your favorite Blogger Boy doubled over in tears of laughter.  😉

When she started to rip on the show Hoarders…I lost it.  This show is one of my guiltiest pleasures…..and she had everything spot on, including the “cat skeletons” in these peoples homes!!!  If you don’t know what the beauty of Hoarders is………enjoy.

Yea…..fun times.  😉

On the way to Kathy, I munched on a variety of fun eats that I had packed for the road!

This bad boy was a banana/jam/almond butter wrap.  Booyah!

What can I say???  A days worth of interviews works up an appetite!  Starbucks was involved for hydration.  Have I mentioned the love affair I am currently having with the Passion Fruit Tea?!?!

There was also a run in with the infamous booty.

No explanation needed on the deliciousness of these green guys.

And because I wanted to keep the doctor away…

Before we knew it, we had arrived at the Tennessee Theatre!

Look at all the Kathy Fans!!!!  They were wrapped around the building!

Gotta have the signs…

Unfortunately….this is where the camera went bye bye.  They were militant about no cameras due to it being a TV film production, so I wasn’t able to snag any action shots.  In true Kathy fashion…she was absolutely friggin’ HILARIOUS.  Take my word for it.

On the way home from KGriff, I munched on my favorite Luna Bar:

Perfect end to a wonderful evening!!!

This morning was a scorcher!!!  It seemed to already be in the 80*’s at breakfast time….at which point, the Barrel was calling my name hardcore.  😉

Their oatmeal is fannnnnnnnntastic.

Can’t go wrong, right?!

At this point, I went into crazed-man packing mode…and started getting ready for the move.  I was shocked at how much junk I have actually accumulated.  Are you ready for the number of tennis shoes I had at the bottom of my closet?!?!?!?!

….seriously….get ready.

*27* PAIR!!!!!!!  What.  The.  Heck.

WHY does anyone need this many shoes?!?!  I didn’t even realize I had that many!  Needless to say, alot went in the donation pile, and did not make the move.  Perhaps I am more of a “Hoarder” than I gave myself credit for.

Lunch was somehow crammed in my face between clothes/random items being shoved into the car.  Huge bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch with raisins, chia seeds, and Almond Milk:

Once my car was filled to the brim with clothes, shoes, and more shoes 😉 I headed to my other gym for our FINAL group run.  It was very sad because this program has been amazing!!!  The “beginner” group has progressed so much, and I am so proud of all of them!!!  Also, it was an absolute scorcher out there today…and I never once heard a complaint.  You guys rock!!  Our big race is this Saturday…cannot wait to run with them and push them along…they will kill it!

After the running program, it was time for a much needed dinner with Maggie, and her adorable nephew, Greyson!

Who needs a high chair when you have a perfectly good lap?!  😉

Went to one of our favorite locations, Jack’s Grill!  Bonus was when we showed up for all day brunch!

Check out this description, and tell me your not in L-O-V-E.

I am not a fan of the flash!!!  It made the broccoli look extremely odd.  Darn you, low lighting!  😉  You get the general idea.  Pretty darn delicious.

Now I am in my NEW home…trying to get everything put away.  Decided blogging was my #1 priority.  I don’t know if that is a good thing, or an extremely sad thing…but it is what it is.  😉

Night bloggies!!!

Did I mention I am literally within WALKING distance of the YMCA now?!?!  Bring it on Monday.  I don’t even need a car.  🙂


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Mystery Box!

Happy Wednesday!  Hope everyone is having a superb middle of the week!

Look what arrived on my doorstep today!  Oh, UPS man…how I love thee.

What is that bit of greenness peaking out for the blog world to see?!?!

You will just have to wait.  It is sooooooo good though.  Going to be totally worth the wait.  😉

Headed into work today with a little jump in my step thanks to the delivery.  Dinner was going to be a random mix of snacks because I am movie bound tonight!  Alice in 3D! (Yes, again)

I need to scratch out “for babies” and change it to “for blogger boys”

This, plus my favoriteeeeee granola:

And some chocolate goodness got mixed together for snackage:

“Dinner” was comprised of a jumbo bag of broc/carrots…and some dip of joy that I threw together:

  • Hummus
  • Refried Beans
  • Salsa
  • Natural Cheese


I have this to look forward to in just a bit during the movie!

And you know I have to save some sort of endangered animal:

Well…off to movie land!  Later bloggies!

Stay tuned tomorrow for another tease of the mystery box.  I gotta draw this one out for a while, it is that good!!!  🙂

I’m sneaking in a Nalgene full of water…Pirate Booty, and chocolate into the movies…what is your favorite movie treat(s)?!?!


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Smellin’ up the place…

Ok…I have a confession.  I have a small obsession with steamed veggies.

When, in a workplace…and in my case, a gym…people have a tendency to FREAK out when I steam veggies.  They see me heading toward the microwave, and the disgruntleness begins.

“WHAT is that SAH-MEEEEEEEUHHHLL?!?!?!?!?!?!”

Get over it people, it is Broccoli for goodness sakes.  Geez.  The flack I get for healthy eating.  That being said…here was my dinner.  Leftover Tomy Thai with an entire bag of Steamed Veggie goodness.

Which quickly turned into…

That’s how you roll people.

On the animal front, I have successfully saved and introduced another person to the Endangered Species Chocolate:

I totally made Christie save a Sea Turtle (Dark Chocolate/Blueberries)

Teri, how you have never tried these is beyond me.  If they don’t sell them near you TELL me and I will gladly send you some.  This goes to any reader out there who doesn’t have access.  EAT CHOCOLATE AND SAVE AN ANIMAL?!?!?!  What more reason do you need?!

As for my personal contribution to the animal world…I saved a Zebra for dessert, and also killed a pear in the process.

My theory on fruit (especially Apples/Pears) is that people tend to waste alot by only eating to what they consider to be “the core”.  Can I just say that tonight I ate this entire apple.  Literally, the entire fruit.  Stem and all.  So there.  😉  (The stem was tiny and almost non-existent…so pick your jaws off the floor, of course…they may hit the floor again once you see the close up Zebra goodness) :

Is there anything better than good dark chocolate?

OH, I brought in a large bag of New York Pizza Booty tonight to work….you know it’s good when the CEO eats half the bag.

….and some other staff…

Love the Booty!

This one has nutritional yeast IN it…score.

Well, time to close down the YMCA and head home so I can attempt some sleep before my 5:45am spin class.  I made a new CD, can’t wait for it’s debut!  😉  Night night, bloggies.


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Mondays are insane!!!!  My Monday actually began last night, when I got some advice from Jill about what to do with my new Chia Seeds:

As I see the chia pudding post above, you HAVE to do it and put it in your oats; 1/4 cup almond milk and 1 tbsp chia seeds. wisk and let set on counter for 20 min, then pop in the fridge overnight. Add to your oats in the morning and they will be super creamy, and full of Omega 3’s!!

Soaked those babies in the Almond Milk, and stuck them in the fridge to work their magic overnight!

Did I mention that I pink fuzzy heart Almond Milk?!?!

Please overlook the outfit.  I was dressed for bed, ok?!?!?!?!

So while I slept, the chia worked it’s magic powers.  Woke up this morning early and headed to my first of four (yikes) classes of the day!  Yoga was first, and the kids were adorable, as always.  We are really getting into some complicated/tough poses for an adult, let alone elementary kids…they are doing great!

Came home to find that the chia/milk mixture had thickened beautifully!

I added this mixture to my friend, Mr. Quaker:

Coincidentally, these were not your everyday oats.  I had an almost empty jar of Almond Butter, which meant only one thing!  Oats In A Jar!

It was the normal oat process.  With added dried berries for yum factor.

Made the oats, and then I added them to the AB jar…plus the Chia mixture.

YUM-tastic.  Just when I thought oats couldn’t get any better!  The Chia seeds gave the oatmeal such a creamy consistency, it was fabulous!  Bravo, Jill.  You know your stuff sister.

Did I mention that my house is slowly becoming overpopulated with pups?!?!  My brother is in town, which means his Boxer, Abby, is staying with us!  Check this big girl out:

She is adorable.

She fits right in with the rest of the crew.

Poor Sam just keeps to himself, and tries not to get trampled by the dinosaurs

After I finished breakfast, and tended to the pack of wild beasts…it was off to the YMCA for Express Sculpt.  I try to incoroporate a full body workout in 30 minutes using basic equipment.  Here was todays agenda:

  • Heavy Bar Squats
  • Heavy Bar Chest Press
  • Leg Lifts (with tons of holds and circles)
  • Bicep Curls with Medium Bar
  • Walking Lunges with Medium Bar
  • Overhead Press/Sqaut Combo with Medium Bar
  • NO Weight/Equipment Arm circles (shoulders…killllls after 100 or so)
  • Abs/Cooldown

’twas nice.

After class I came home and threw together a Mexican inspired lunch!  Started out with a whole wheat mini pita pocket, sliced her open…

Then added some beans/salsa/cheese:

Baked those babies until they were crisp.  In the meantime, I steamed some broccoli/cauliflower to have on the side.  Once everything was browned and steamed, I plated up the open face Mexican pizza, and then veggies smothered in Salsa and Nutritional Yeast:

Finished off with an Attune and a big green pear!

Well, it is time to go do some High School Yoga, and then rush over to the YMCA for Monday night Spin.  Made a new CD, I will give ya the tracks tomorrow.  Some good jams going down! 😉

Oh yea, who wants free yogurt?!?!?!

Thanks so much for voting, and a big thanks to Stonyfield/OIKOS for making this giveaway possible.

Remember, the winner receives:

A free OIKOS tote bag, complete with 4 coupons for free 5.3oz containers of Yogurt, plus a coupon for a free 16oz container!

The winner!  (via random number generator)


Please check out Julie’s blog.  She has me laughing hysterically on a daily basis.   Congrats girl!

Well, off for Yoga and Spin…fun times!  Hmmmm, whats for dinner…


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Awards and Giveaway Preview…c’mon now!

My good friend Terri was kind enough to recently give this blogger boy his FIRST award!  Look!

Thank you so much Terri!  Her blog is totally inspiring, and is a definite must read!  In her tradition, I will now pass on this award to 12 other of my favorite bloggers.  All these ladies (and men!) make an impact in my day, and are daily reads!

  • Emily: Emily is my favorite “Clean Eater” and doesn’t hurt that she is one of my best friends who lives 20 minutes away.  We have gotten so close over the past few months, and she rocks my world!  We just did the Gasparilla Half Marathon together, and it was a blast and a half!
  • Julie: Julie absolutely cracks me up each and every day.  Her blog is always full of LOL moments…PLEASE check her out!  She is my Bean Town soul-mate, and makes killer oats each and everyday!
  • Matt: A fellow blogger boy (yes, we do exist) who is a running fool and an all around great guy.  He is a killer chef, as well!
  • Alicia: This super chick joins me in the “lost 140 lb club” can you believe it?!?!  Her posts are cute, funny, and totally delicious.
  • Katie: is the divalicious bloggin’ super star who I totally adore!  She makes pink, and everything else, ROCK!  LOVE this girl.
  • Gina: Loooooove Fitnessista.  Not only is she constantly giving me ideas and tips, but she is the gal that started my obsession with blogs!  Must read!  Vegan, Raw, amazing.
  • MamaPea: Hilarious mom-blogger raising kids, eating healthy, and making me laugh hysterically on a daily basis
  • Allison: Cute pups, and wine?!  What more do you need?  Love this bloggie and all her good eats
  • Katie: Yes, she wants cake…and so does everyone else!  Good eats, and laughs…check her out!
  • Erin: Erin eats and exercises, and we can too!  Check out all her nifty eats and ideas.  Cute pup too, which never hurts.
  • Jessica: This so called “tom boy”  is producing a world of good eats, check her out!
  • Jill: Hilarious, and amazing food ideas…you have to check her out!

Congrats guys…now it’s your turn!  Pay it forward, and distribute that award! 😉

Express Spin class was amazing today.  I swear, even though it is only 30 minutes…by combining the “toughest” songs, we are able to work up to just as much of a sweat factory in the hour long class!  Love it!

Came home from Spin famished, and ready for a nice lunch.  I am currently obsessed with the Gardenburger..

I am a fan of any veggie burger with real veggie CHUNKS in it!

That’s some melty organic cheese goodness on my favorite whole wheat mini pocket!  Also steamed up a lima bean/broccoli combo and drenched it with Nooch (Nutritional Yeast)

Veggie Stix, and the meal was complete:

Some Broccoli Sprouts added some veggie heft to this sucka.  Dessert was yummy and simple.  Huge apple and an Attune.

I became semi-productive, and got alot done around the house before heading to work.

While waiting on dinner I had a “kind” snack.  (har, har, har.)

These are quickly becoming my favorite bars!

Dinner was the classic “at-work” staple!

Half Mediterranean Veggie Sammie (Wheat bread, Mozz instead of feta) and half the veggie pesto soup-o-joy.

Dessert was brought from home and was a mixture of 2 coconut rolled date logs, and some deeeeeeelicious dark chocolate ovals from the Earth Fizz.

There is seriously NOTHING better than good, dark, chocolate.  The simpler the better in my books.

Well bloggies, have a wondermous evening, will you???

GIVEAWAY tomorrow.  It is going to be a good one.

Here is your clue:

Think Greek!


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