I’m back, FORGIVE ME!!!!

Biggest. Slacker. EVER.

Yep, thats me.

I promise though…


how in the heck is everyone?!?!  I have seriously missed the blog world so much!  I promise, no more disappearing from yours truly.  I am back to stay!

Just a little catch up for those first time readers…..

Former fatty (no, really!!!  300+ lbs) turned Healthy Living Director/Fitness Instructor at my local YMCA, I am here for humor, health, fun…and anything that goes on in my crazy life!  If this is your first time visiting, welcome!

Well it’s Sunday…the day we are all left collectively scratching our heads and wondering what happened to the weekend.  Got my day started with a killer weights workout!  I loooooove free weights, but rarely have the time with the weight classes I teach throughout the week.  Sunday is pretty much the only day I can head to the free weight room…zone out…and have an awesome solo workout.  Took full advantage today and worked the whole body!

Deadlifts………………………Chest Press/Flys/Chest Press
Pliet Squats……………………Pull Down Back, Row Back, Pull Down back
Calf Raises ……………………Shoulder Press Long Bar/Upright Row/Press
Squats Machine……………..Tricep Skull EZ  (Dips Middle)
Weighted Walking Lunges …Bicep 21’s Heavy  Curl/Hammer/Curl
For anyone who is scared/intimidated by the free weight area of their gym…don’t be! I promise, it isnt as scary as you think.  Get back there, and act like you own the joint!  😉  People are normally super friendly, and will always help if you have questions.  Sure…there may be your typical jerks back there…but for the most part the good ones out number the bad.
Post gym I headed to Dunkin Donuts (shocker, I know!!!)  I am conducting an experiment with my friend and fellow instructor Ginny…we are showing how healthy moderation can work!  Check out our DD challenge, here!
I left with food on my mind, specifically dinner.  With a crazy work schedule I typically try to use Sunday to make some meals ahead.  First thing that popped into my mind tonight was meatloaf!  This isn’t your typical meatloaf kids…
This ground turkey is extra lean, and a great source of protein!  Honestly…there are TONS of recipes out there, and I am sure everyone has there favorite.  I experimented with my own recipe tonight, and it worked out wonderfully (semi-shocker there given my track record of off the cuff recipe tries…)
You know this blogger boy cannot resist adding his trademark ingredient…
Good ole oats.  How I love thee.
I soaked some quick cook oats with skim milk for binding, as well as some straight out deliciousness!
Ok, so it may not be the most beautiful thing to photograph….but I promise the yum factor is high.
This little beauty is on its way to becoming a meatloaf (or turkeyloaf, if we are being technical)  masterpiece!
After it’s little date with a 350* oven for an hour…
Like I say, this was sort of a “whatever I felt like” kinda recipe, but I will try to recall!
Blogger Boy Turkey-Oat Loaf:
1.25 Pounds Extra Lean Ground Turkey
1 Cup Quick Cook Oats soaked in 1 Cup Skim Milk
1 Finely Chopped Yellow Pepper
1 Large Egg
1 Can Roasted Tomato Chunks (you could easily substitute plain here)
4 Tbsp. Low Sodium Natural Ketchup
Mix all ingredients, and form into a loaf on a baking sheet, around 2 inches thick.
Top the turkeyloaf with one small can of plain tomato sauce, and sprinkle with pepper
Bake at 350* for 55-65 minutes, or until the top is browned, and the loaf is firm. (teeheehee)
This bad boy would easily slice into 12-14 servings.
Voila, there you have it folks….a quick healthy dinner that will last for days!
While cooking I *started* watching the Oscars…
…..which quickly transformed into something MUCH more attention grabbing on my end….
I’ll take my Golden Girls any day over the snoozefest that was the Oscars…geez!
Of course, what would a night be without a little snack…
(notice the jealous onlooker. )
These fiber bars are my current ADDICTION!  They taste just like my favorite Girl Scout cookie…the Samoa!
Fiber and Dessert?!?!   Sign me up.
On that note my bloggies, it is time to adjurn.  Again, thanking you for not disowning me during my lapse in blog time, but I promise…I am back for good!  Happy Monday eve everyone.  😉  I know your excited.
Whats your favorite late night snack??



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21 responses to “I’m back, FORGIVE ME!!!!

  1. SO glad to see you posting again!

    Late night snack = Grape Nuts Flakes cereal with unsweetened hempmilk.

  2. Welcome back to the blog world! I too get very bored watching the Oscars. I find reading the tweets about the Oscars and watching the UK version of Skins much more interesting.

  3. Welcome backkk! Cookies fo sho

  4. OMG OMG! Welcome back 🙂 I don’t think I’ve ever actually commented on your blog- but I was a long time lurker before you disappeared 🙂
    I’m so glad you’re back to blogging again!
    My fave late night snack definitely involves chocolate.

    • Aww, thanks so much for reading and now commenting! Keep em coming, I love to know everyones thoughts! Chocolate is most certainly a staple. I love dark chocolate, esp. Dove!

  5. well dang, I’ve been wondering about you!!! I thought you died.

    I’m so glad your back 🙂 🙂

  6. Jackie

    Welcome back!! Ice cream ftw : )

  7. YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Don’t ever leave us again!!

    Favorite late night snack: microwave popcorn (au natural of course). Brown paper bag + 2 T popcorn kernals + staple bag closed + 1-2 minutes in microwave = perfection.

    • TERIIIIII!!!!!! I am so happy to be back! We MUST coordinate schedules and get you down here! I am teaching RIPPED and Spin on March 27th! How does that weekend look for you?

  8. klh

    Ohmygosh!!! So glad to see you back!! I’ve read your posts since the beginning (never commented) and then you disappeared! Glad to see things are going well! Have a good week!

    Katie : )

  9. Vanessa

    Yay, glad you’re back!! I wondered where you went! My fav nightime snack (more like 4th meal) is ice cream.

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